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Paulo Pereira, Joao Moniz e Henrique Franco – The Royals com coracao de ouro!


One of Toronto’s top high school soccer teams is hoping to play a road game this summer — all the way in Attawapiskat.
The Bishop Marrocco/Thomas Merton Catholic Secondary School Royals decided to help after hearing about a series of attempted suicides in the remote northern Ontario community this spring.
Paulo Pereira, the team’s coach, said his players — including some who have never travelled outside the city — volunteered to go to Attawapiskat where they’ll host a week-long training camp in June.The team has created an online fundraiser seeking $25,000 to help pay for the flights up north, by far the largest cost associated with the trip.

Esta noticia publicada pela CBC News no passado dia 24, fez com que inicia-se todas as demarches para ter no NOTAS SOLTAS nao so o treinador Paulo Pereira como tambem os jogadores – Joao Moniz e Henrique Franco. Fique a saber a motivacao social destes jovens na ajuda aos jovens de Attawapiskat que os fez remarcar exames escolares para poder seguir em frente nesta jornada de dar e receber. E um orgulho conhecer jovens assim. Parabens a toda a equipa dos Royals e seus treinadores Paulo Pereira e Daniel Romano.
Ouca na integra a entrevista do NOTAS SOLTAS de hoje, e saiba como ajudar a custear as viagens desta equipa ou entregar roupas e artigos de futebol.
Clique abaixo!


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